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Work For Us

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We are powered by amazing people. For over 20 years we have been delivering high-quality events to some of the largest technology and association organisations, underpinned by our unwavering mission to "unlock human and business potential through compelling experiences in an increasingly digital world". 

Join an award-winning company that collaborates on incredible global events

Joining a tight-knit team that values inclusivity, diversity, and fun while working together on global events can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

Not only will you have the opportunity to work with a group of talented individuals, but you'll also get to contribute to the creation of amazing events that leave a lasting impact on people around the world. With a shared passion for delivering unforgettable experiences, this team will inspire you to grow both personally and professionally.

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Flexibility and adaptability

Diverse & Inclusive

We are committed to establishing a work culture that promotes positivity and values diversity and inclusivity. We seek individuals who approach work with an open mindset and demonstrate an ability to work collaboratively with others, respecting and embracing differences.

Day in the Life

Varied & Dynamic

No two days are the same at Outsourced Events. You could start the day in London and fall asleep in Sao Paolo. There is consistency in our team culture and our commitment to deliver exceptional event experiences for our clients. Discover what our team gets up to here

Creatively collaborative

Creative & Collaborative

We seek individuals who possess creative thinking abilities, the aptitude to solve problems on the spot, the skill to manage budgets effectively, and the capacity to cooperate with others in brainstorming sessions to produce exceptional outcomes for our clients and their attendees.


Employee Spotlight

Meet Vincent Crolla, Warehouse Operative

Each month we like to shine a light on one of our fantastic team members, to help you to get to know us a little better. This month we chat to one of our newest team members, Vincent Crolla who's quickly learning what it's like to work in an agency.

Open Positions

At our company, we are constantly searching for exceptional professionals who share our core values and can seamlessly integrate into our team.

We believe that a strong team is the foundation for successful events, and we're committed to finding individuals who are passionate, dedicated, and enthusiastic about their work.

If you share our values and are interested in joining the Outsourced Events team, but don't see an open position that fits your skills. Email us at to explore potential opportunities.

